5 Simple FAQs for Lip Augmentation

Lip AugmentationLips are an essential feature that defines our face. Like our eyes and other facial features, lips too enhance our beauty. No wonder people leave any stones unturned to opt for lip enhancement. Here I present some frequently asked question and answers on this topic, which will be of help to those of you who are unaware about the entire process:

Question 1: Explain lip augmentation.

Answer: Lip augmentation is a cosmetic procedure, which is used to increase or improve the fullness or shape of the lips. You can opt for either temporary or permanent enhancement of your lips using the latest lip fillers and other techniques. Let me tell you that you can also opt for similar procedures to minimize the wrinkles and lines on other parts of your face.

Question 2: Is the use of anesthesia made during lip enhancement procedure?

Answer: It all depends on the technique. A few procedures ask for topical anesthetic while some need local anesthesia. To know more about the same you can always consult the cosmetic surgeon/expert.

Question 3: How much time does the procedure take?

Answer: If the technique of lip fillers is used, then it will take 30-45 minutes while lip implants can take around 1 hour.

Question 4: Is it painful?

Answer: More often than not, before using Botox or lip injections, lips are numbed with topical anesthetic. You may have some swelling and bruising, which can be controlled with cold compress for the first few hours after the procedure.

Question 5: When can one return to work?

Answer: You can return to the work the very next day after opting for the lip augmentation/enhancement procedure. While patients with lip implants may take 1-3 days off because of swelling.

I hope that aforementioned question and answers will be of help to you. Keep watching this space for more information related to similar topics.